
王荣谈1, 姜羽2, 韦娇君2, 张大兵2, 杨立桃2,*
1上海瑞丰农业科技有限公司, 上海201106; 2上海交通大学生命科学技术学院, 上海200240

通信作者:杨立桃;E-mail: yylltt@sjtu.edu.cn;Tel: 021-34207174

摘 要:

近年来, 转基因生物及其产品安全性备受公众关注。为此, 全球很多国家和地区纷纷颁布实施了相关法律法规, 要求对转基因生物及其产品进行标识, 保护消费者对转基因产品的知情权。本文综述了全球各国的转基因生物及其产品的标识管理体系, 及相应的主要检测技术和一些具有良好应用前景的新技术。

关键词:转基因生物; 标识; 检测方法

收稿:2013-05-12   修定:2013-06-04


The Labeling and Detection of Genetically Modified Organisms and Their Derivates

WANG Rong-Tan1, JIANG Yu2, WEI Jiao-Jun2, ZHANG Da-Bing2, YANG Li-Tao2,*
1Shanghai Ruifeng Agricultural Technology Company, Shanghai 201106, China; 2School of Life Sciences and Technology, Shang-hai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

Corresponding author: YANG Li-Tao; E-mail: yylltt@sjtu.edu.cn; Tel: 021-34207174


Because of the public concerns on the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), many coun-tries and regions have issued series of regulations and labeling systems for GMOs to meet the consumers’ right on selecting GMOs or not. Herein we described the GMOs labeling systems and its related detection techniques and new methods with good application prospect in global area.

Key words: genetically modified organisms (GMO); labeling; detection method

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